Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Adventures of Giddy and Gertie - Possum Hunting

Last night at 11:30 PM we had a little adventure. Gertie needed to go outside and after about two minutes she started barking. This is normal. She's a Beagle, and Beagles bark. A lot and very loudly. I poked my head out the door to shush her and see who she was barking at; we have dogs on every side of our fence and they all frequently bark at one another. The strange thing was that Gertie was staying back about six or so feet from our right fence. Weird. While attempting to quiet Gertie, I was having to shove her sister back because heaven forbid her sister and pack-mate be barking and having an adventure without her. As I got out their can food to lure Gertie in, Giddy slipped through my legs and was out the door. As this happened I also finally saw what it was that was bothering the loud mouth, now loud mouths. A possum. An ugly, disgusting, alien-looking possum.

At this moment, all hell broke loose. I started screaming for the hubby to come help me while the hunters began screaming at this intruder in their yard. Their barking was incessant and the usually food crazed pups could care less that I had their can food out. With no help from the hubby, who was watching the last few minutes of a basketball game in his office and thought I was just yelling at the dogs or being dramatic (me?!), I went out on the deck to see what I could do. There was no way I was going anywhere near that wretched creature, so I did the next best thing. I threw our plastic watering can near, not at, the dogs. It spooked them to say the least, and Gertie finally turned to see the can food in my hand. Now Gertie likes to eat and may or may not have a weight issue because of food. But praise the Lord, that dog loves food because she came running over to me. I managed to get her inside and then scream bloody murder at the hubby who finally came upstairs as I very calmly and quietly (ha!) explained that the dogs had cornered a possum and that Giddy was still out there and that I was freaking out!!

How did he get Giddy in? He went outside, picked her up, and brought her in like it was just that easy. Please. Then I got a flashlight and we could definitely see that there really was a huge possum just sitting there with it's nasty night-vision eyes staring back at us. I may or may not have started hyperventilating then. As I was or was not calming myself down and refraining from screaming at those damn hunting dogs, my hubby stated that Giddy smelled like...shoo shoo. Poop. Nastiness. We are pretty sure they found a nest, killed a baby possum (or several of them) and then of course rolled on them. They even do this even with bugs. Someone please explain to me why dogs insist on rubbing their scent on dead things. I mean they sleep in my bed. Why? Why! 

The next thing that occurred was an all out shower and several applications of dog/baby shampoo. The hubby was forced volunteered to hop in there with them to hose them down. While I went to get some towels, I heard him mutter something like "I know you don't like this, but this is what you get for rolling in death!". 

 Naughty pup #1 (after her scrub down)
 Naughty pup #2 (after her soaking) 

It is always, always an adventure with these two. The good thing is that life is never dull with them. And no matter how naughty they are, we can never stay mad at them for long.

1 comment:

  1. TOO FUNNY! Ford and Otto are guilty of the same things. Otto doesn't roll in poop and dead stuff though, it's only the beagle. I don't get it! He's rolled in raccoon poop, dog poop, cow poop, you name it. Here's a blog I did a year or two ago about my ridiculous beagle:
